Next Talk:
After a terrific quiz, we return to a fascinating talk on Thursday, 17th April at Penn Bowling and Social Club!
Acclaimed author Jackie Harrison will be speaking about the history of the Cock House/Inn.
Her talk last year was a sell out, so be sure to arrive early on the night!
You can find more details of the talk, including its start time, below.

Earlier in the year:
On Saturday 8 June 2024 , we unveiled our Blue Plaque celebrating Dora Penny. Many thanks to David and Jennifer Guest for sponsoring.

Other News:
- The cause page for Green Space @ The Old School is live and ready to sell tickets. Alternatively, go to on the Wolverhampton Community Lottery and scroll down to “Green Space”.
- Huge thanks to our friends at Wolverhampton City Fairtrade Partnership for their support. Congratulations on the renewal of Wolverhampton’s Fairtrade accreditation for a further three years.